Got Questions?

  1. Number of locations?

We will usually shoot in one location with but several areas within that location. For example: Maybury state park, the boardwalk by the pond, just the pond, the forest, the trail, an open field, you get the idea. Getting in cars and moving to a complete different location is possible, just plan for a longer amount of time and possibly an additional fee.

  1. How many wardrobe changes are allowed?

As many as you like but I suggest 2 or 3. If you try to change many times then it can take longer and you might get more tired of posing. Also there is the risk of wasting good light when on location (which sometimes changes quickly) while changing and adjusting. Think quality of quantity.

Also I’ll I do carry a portable changing tent on location to make changing easier if the subject wants to use it.

  1. What colors or outfit types photograph best?

Some will say to avoid white or black. Personally I don’t have a problem with black, white can be a bit trickier and not my first choice. However if you have a favorite outfit that has a lot of white then we will make it work. I think the main thing is to wear what you are comfortable in and always wear. You will be more relaxed and confident and it will show in the photos. If you never wear dresses or a tie then I would avoid that outfit (even if that’s what mom wants LOL!)

  1. How many photos should I expect to review?

Usually I show 30-40 photos. The best from the shoot eliminating similar shots, eyes blinking, poses that don’t work, etc. Again, quality of quantity. I also don’t want to overwhelm people with too many photos.

  1. Printing options? Cost of digital file vs you print?

I have prints, standouts, canvas prints of all sizes. Books can be created, cards, small wallet images (like the old days). Digital files will always cost more. I prefer to print myself as I can control how the final images look with my labs but I also realize people like to have the digital files to print how they want in a variety of ways. Digital files are available suitable for social media and printing up to 5×7 prints and cards. However I cannot guarantee the quality of printing things on your own. Larger prints will need to be ordered through me.

  1. Sitting fee?  Location fee?  Hourly fee?

Photo shoot fee is $300 working in one location. Additional fee added for more locations depending on distance and complexity of the shoot. If a location permit is needed the client is responsible for any associated fees. I don’t use hourly fees. A typical photo shoot last 60-90 minutes.

  1. Do you re-touch photos?  Enhance photos?  Extra charge?

Yes I do make basic photo retouches and are included in the photo shoot fee. Advanced touch ups or enhancements that require more time and attention will have an additional fee quoted on a per shot basis.

  1. How much make-up should I wear?  Minimal, dark colors?

Like clothing make up is up to you. I feel you should wear what you always wear and feel the most comfortable with. If you do want a more stylized look for the photos then having your make up done is not a bad idea.

  1. Can I use the photos on social media?

Yes, however I ask that you do not alter the photos including adding Instagram or Snapshot filters or using apps like Facetune. I can prepare and size photos you want for social media ready to post. Please credit and tag me @ishootmi.portrait

  1. Can I bring a friend?

Usually a parent comes along on the photo shoot. Friends can be a distraction and I don’t anchorage it however if it will make you more comfortable and help you stay relaxed then sure. I might put them to work holding a light or carrying something, LOL!

Any other questions at all please contact me!

Ready to book a photo shoot? Please fill out this info form and I’ll be in touch. Senior Photo Info Form

Bryan Mitchell Photography
